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@vue-flow/monorepo • Docs

Interface: DefaultEdge<Data, CustomEvents, Type> ​

Extends ​

Type Parameters ​

• Data = ElementData

• CustomEvents extends Record<string, CustomEvent> = any

• Type extends string = string

Properties ​

animated? ​

optional animated: boolean

Animated edge

ariaLabel? ​

optional ariaLabel: null | string

class? ​

optional class: string | string[] | Record<string, any> | ClassFunc<GraphEdge<Data, CustomEvents, string>>

Additional class names, can be a string or a callback returning a string (receives current flow element)

data? ​

optional data: Data

Additional data that is passed to your custom components

deletable? ​

optional deletable: boolean

Disable/enable deleting edge

events? ​

optional events: Partial<EdgeEventsHandler<CustomEvents>>

Deprecated ​

will be removed in the next major version

focusable? ​

optional focusable: boolean

Disable/enable focusing edge (a11y)

hidden? ​

optional hidden: boolean

Is edge hidden

id ​

id: string

Unique edge id

interactionWidth? ​

optional interactionWidth: number

Radius of mouse event triggers (to ease selecting edges), defaults to 2

label? ​

optional label: string | VNode<RendererNode, RendererElement, object> | Component<EdgeTextProps>

An edge label

labelBgBorderRadius? ​

optional labelBgBorderRadius: number

Label Bg border radius

Inherited from ​


labelBgPadding? ​

optional labelBgPadding: [number, number]

Label Bg padding

Inherited from ​


labelBgStyle? ​

optional labelBgStyle: CSSProperties

Label Bg styles (CSSProperties)

Inherited from ​


labelShowBg? ​

optional labelShowBg: boolean

Show label bg

Inherited from ​


labelStyle? ​

optional labelStyle: CSSProperties

Label styles (CSSProperties)

Inherited from ​


markerEnd? ​

optional markerEnd: EdgeMarkerType


markerStart? ​

optional markerStart: EdgeMarkerType


selectable? ​

optional selectable: boolean

Disable/enable selecting edge

source ​

source: string

Source node id

sourceHandle? ​

optional sourceHandle: null | string

Source handle id

style? ​

optional style: Styles | StyleFunc<GraphEdge<Data, CustomEvents, string>>

Additional styles, can be an object or a callback returning an object (receives current flow element)

target ​

target: string

Target node id

targetHandle? ​

optional targetHandle: null | string

Target handle id

template? ​

optional template: EdgeComponent

Overwrites current edge type

type? ​

optional type: Type

Edge type, can be a default type or a custom type

updatable? ​

optional updatable: EdgeUpdatable

Disable/enable updating edge

zIndex? ​

optional zIndex: number

Aria label for edge (a11y)

Released under the MIT License.